Why Choose
Smartcom Mobile
Device Management?
The telecoms landscape is changing. MNOs worldwide face unprecedented demands from their users. They need to futureproof… and that means identifying technology partners whose capabilities encompass IoT and ‘connected devices’ as well as cellular and WiFi. Smartcom’s offer checks every one of those boxes.

Real Time Data Usage
Family Shared Plan
Connection Manager App
Fair Shares
Real-time stats empower families to manage airtime and budget connectivity
Real Time Data Usage
Family Shared Plan
Connection Manager App
Fair Shares
Real-time stats empower families to manage airtime and budget connectivity

Android OS Customization
Smartcom can leverage the Android Open Source Project and tailor the operating system to your mobile device’s needs with custom features and applications.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Location Finder
WiFi here!
Hotspot finder follows specific set policies and offloads cellular traffic from your networks whenever it can.

LTE/Wi-Fi Offload Management
Ready to offload
Real-world MNOs are united in their wish to shunt traffic off the cellular networks and onto WiFi. Smartcom’s built-in hotspot finder, Eap & Wisper Authentications, and Policy based offloading are powerful weapons in the battle for connectivity.

Wi-Fi Hotspot Location Finder
WiFi here!
Hotspot finder follows specific set policies and offloads cellular traffic from your networks whenever it can.

LTE/Wi-Fi Offload Management
Ready to offload
Real-world MNOs are united in their wish to shunt traffic off the cellular networks and onto WiFi. Smartcom’s built-in hotspot finder, Eap & Wisper Authentications, and Policy based offloading are powerful weapons in the battle for connectivity.

Universal Mobile Hotspot

Mobile Connection Manager
Smartcom’s basic connectivity package comprises a companion app, a universal modem connector, a mobile hotspot device connectivity manager… all in one.

Reporting & Analytics

Customized Tool & Server
All of a piece
Smartcom’s offer integrates an extended suite of cellular telephony, location-enabled services, ‘connected device’ functionalities, error codes reporting, device support, activation and monitoring tools with full-featured reporting, statistics and analytics server

Reporting & Analytics

Customized Tool & Server
All of a piece
Smartcom’s offer integrates an extended suite of cellular telephony, location-enabled services, ‘connected device’ functionalities, error codes reporting, device support, activation and monitoring tools with full-featured reporting, statistics and analytics server

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